black glittery high-top tennis shoe

As I set up my calendar for the month, I select a quote I’ve found that speaks to me. I write it in my planner and leave space below it to capture phrases I hear or read that speak to me and relate to the quote. I found this practice centers me throughout the month, and helps me be more present in my conversations, meetings, and readings. For January 2023 the quote was, “Buy the ticket, take the ride.”

It seemed like everyone in my social media feed hit the new year running. They picked their word for the year. Set a goal or two. Began with dry January and hit the gym with veggies. I on the other hand limped into the year new with a jacked up back. The lack of mobility and protected moves gave me a more guarded stance entering into 2023 – literally. I found however, this this served me well and kept me from getting caught up in the frenzy around me. I did what was right for me. Along the way, here are quotes that caught my attention in January:

  • The next horizons live inside ourselves
  • So come to the pond or river of our imagination, or the harbor of your longing, and put your lips to the world and life your life.
  • Everything will kill you, so choose something fun
  • We silence the noise with intuition
  • Faith is relaxing
  • May your life become a garden of opportunities for happiness
  • Leadership is the space we hold for others
  • The space between stimulus and response – we can, and must, expand that space
  • Audacity returns
  • That heavily guarded border between the edge of our own safety and the edge of our dream
  • The balance of grace and swagger, of magic and mystery
  • I believe fear and action can co-exist
  • Got sent help – she sent you.
  • Put it together!
  • Drop the fear
  • Their radiance draws others who’ve grown board with conformity and competition              
  • Transient hassles that disturb my core peace
  • What will it take for you to stand up for your vision?
  • Be around the light bringers, the magic makers, the world shifter, the game shakers
  • Courage to carve your own path
  • See what you discover
  • Radical collaboration
  • Everywhere I turn, there I am

It was interesting that I picked this quote for January as a way to jump start my new year. Go all in. My reality was different. Rather than my anticipated participation in Orange Theory Fitness two week transformation challenge – I got dry needled and stretched by my physical therapist. Rather than my scheduled take down of Christmas decorations, we left the tree up another week enjoying the soothing warm glow of the lights into middle of the month. Rather than showing up to my first offsite of the year in my usual facilitation heals and pantsuit, I wore new black sequined Converse high-tops to support my back’s recovery in style, and bringing smiles to the participants.

For a while I felt like I was letting 2023 down right out of the gate. Already falling behind. Then I realized I was caught up on expectations rather than appreciate reality.

I paused and reminded myself that a quote I picked doesn’t define me. That I set the quote, and I can change or reframe it. So, I decided to adjust my thinking about “take the ride” to focus on the ride of recovery.  A ride that I needed and enjoyed, rather than a ride of competition with others. My January ride gave me more time to read, more time to rest, more chats with friends, and more time to move at a pace that was right for me. The lack of pressure to do was delightful.

I’m grateful for a very different January. A ride of rejuvenation rather than roller coaster.

February 2023 Quote: “Buy the Ticket, Take the Ride”

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