
“Ethel and Fred” have a lifetime of being faithful servants to your call. One by profession as a Presbyterian minister and one as wife, mother, and community pillar–not to mention pastor’s wife (no small call on its own right). And then there’s damn cancer. Yes, we cuss. When we face something so big, dark, and scary cussing just seems to fit, or at least help convey some of the nastiness we feel about the diagnosis and treatment. Damn cancer indeed.

“Fred” faces major new round of chemo, coming off of chemo and just finishing up radiation. They feel ravaged by cancer. It’s attacked so much – from body organs to their time together and with loved ones. Their body’s are tired. Their brain’s are tired. Their spirit’s are tired.

We seek traveling mercies as they travel between local care and MD Anderson in TX. We seek continued innovation and compassion by their care providers and cancer researchers. We seek comfort and pain reduction for “Fred.” We seek fortitude and moral support for “Ethel.”

Keep their connection to you strong… it’s been their foundation all along their journey. Show mercy. Share joy. Spread hope. Let them see these gifts of light for themselves and in others; that the community you built surrounds them with grace, prayers, and love in such darkness.

Most of all we ask for peace in their hearts. That they feel the warmth of assurance that even in doubt and darkness you are there.


Fred & Ethel

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